"This course was exactly what I needed to support my growth as a speech-language pathologist providing AAC services to the littles. The workbook has incredible reference guides that will surely make a difference in my clinical practice!"

-Samantha, Pediatric SLP

This course is now available for ASHA CEUs!

AAC can be tough to master...

There is so much to know and so little time to learn it all. It can feel like the information and technology are changing so quickly that it's hard to keep up. There’s lite-tech, mid-tech, high-tech, and dozens of apps and device companies. Trying to maintain proficiency in AAC in addition to already high workloads might feel like an impossible task.

The AAC in EI course was created specifically for AAC implementation with toddlers and preschoolers. We are putting all of the information in one place for you!

  • Lite-tech and mid-tech AAC options
  • High-tech app recommendations
  • Feature matching analysis
  • Evaluation templates
  • Implementation strategies
  • AAC and parent coaching
  • How to overcome common objections and barriers to AAC
  • Free AAC resources

You’ll learn what high-tech AAC options are available for this age group and how to select an AAC system based on the strengths and support needs of each child. You will leave this course feeling competent, confident, and excited about AAC!

Eight Video Modules

These video lessons break down everything you need to know about AAC for toddlers and preschoolers. The modules cover the benefits of AAC and research to support it, the types of AAC available for young children, when and how to implement high-tech AAC, steps for writing an evaluation and obtaining funding for a device, and strategies for modeling and implementation including a lesson on parent coaching for AAC.

The modules also include 3 case studies that will help you integrate all of the information from the course and apply it to several case presentations.

Easily Referenced Handouts

The digital course workbook contains over 40 pages of attractive, printable handouts to supplement the course topics. It includes parent handouts on AAC and early language development, templates and printable forms for AAC assessment, an in-depth description of each of the major AAC apps available for this age group, written instructions for various programming options, and a feature matching checklist to help you select the best device for each child on your caseload.

It also includes a core board made specifically for EI, a handout for teaching gestures and signs, a cheat sheet for creating lite-tech boards, a handout for writing AAC therapy goals, and a resource for designing an individualized AAC system that includes all types of AAC.

Lifetime Access

This course was created to accommodate you and your busy SLP schedule. Each module is less than 20 minutes long. You can work at your own pace and complete the lessons whenever works for you.

You'll also be able to revisit the course and all course materials at any point in the future. Your purchase includes lifetime access!

Meet Your Instructor!
Lauren Greenlief, MA, CCC-SLP

Lauren is a speech pathologist with over 10 years of experience specializing in AAC. She received a Master's Certificate in Assistive Technology in 2018. She owns and operates the private practice Inspire Connections Therapy LLC, located in Twinsburg, Ohio and contracts with the state early intervention program. Her practice focuses on all things AAC and early language skills. Lauren is a paid speaker and has presented for conferences and workplaces on AAC topics.

Financial Disclosures

  • profits from each sale of this course from Early and Bright Online Learning
  • creates, designs, and sells other physical and digital products through TPT and Inspire Connections Therapy, LLC and profits from these sales
  • is a paid speaker on topics related to AAC and gestalt language development for school districts, state organizations, Speech Therapy PD, and Meaningful Speech
  • has acted as an affiliate and received commissions for other courses related to AAC, gestalt language development, and speech-language pathology from AAC Ally and Meaningful Speech

Nonfinancial Disclosures

  • offers free resources for those interested in AAC in exchange for an email address
AAC in EI: Course Details
  • Created for SLPs who work with toddlers and preschoolers.
  • Includes two hours of professional development and a digital course workbook
  • Access to over 40 printable handouts on AAC to support your therapy objectives and parent coaching practice
  • Instructions for obtaining FREE copies of some of the most popular AAC apps through various partner programs
  • Three case study examples with a step-by-step breakdown of the communication needs, evaluation process, and device selection
  • The price is $125.

Learning Objectives

1. Students will be able to design an individualized AAC system that includes all forms of AAC including no-tech, lite-tech, mid-tech, and high-tech AAC.

2. Students will be able to describe AAC implementation strategies for AAC with toddlers and preschoolers

3. Students will be able to state the five steps in the AAC evaluation process.

4. Students will be able to explain the research and benefits of AAC to caregivers and provide support for common challenges.

Requirements for Satisfactory Completion

Students must do the following to earn a certificate for professional development:

  1. Watch all of the self-paced video modules and reach 100% completion of the course.
  2. Score 90% or higher on the course completion quiz. This 10 question quiz is untimed and can be taken as many times as needed.

See What's Inside the Course Workbook!

The AAC in EI Course includes a digital workbook with over 40 pages of printable resources!

Course Testimonials

Cindy, EI SLP

I am a seasoned SLP with 10+ years of experience and two years of as an owner of a private practice specializing in early intervention. I had yet to come across a course that I felt really helped me understand AAC and I finally found it. As an EI SLP, I found this truly helpful since it is specifically designed for the EI population. I liked the course content, appreciated the video examples, and thought the course workbook to be very well organized. I also enjoyed the supplemental materials.


I highly recommend this course to all EI SLPs wanting to feel confident in supporting little language learners through AAC.

Courtney, Pediatric SLP

This course is phenomenal for all SLPs wanting to learn about AAC.

It has a fantastic coursebook as well. In this course, you learn about different types of AAC, how to evaluate, how to do funding, and how to back up your decisions to parents/other team members when questions arise! You can pull up the coursebook pages and bring them to your meetings to inform others about why and how you came to your decisions as well as the importance of AAC!

Sarah, Pediatric SLP

The AAC in EI course is exactly what I needed to support communication with parents, staff, and other professionals regarding AAC. I found this course to be incredibly comprehensive and appreciate the inclusion of all of the visual handouts that can be used to support carryover and caregiver buy in.

Even if you consider yourself knowledgeable in AAC, this course is still beneficial as it covers what most don't, such as performing AAC evaluations, how to get funding, additional resources (AAC Goals and Case Studies), and problem solving when various barriers occur. If you are thinking twice about whether or not this course is worth it, DON'T!

Grace, EI SLP

As an SLP who honestly did not learn much in her AAC class in graduate school, I found this course to be extremely useful! I love how the AAC devices/apps were broken down, along with a brief video modeling these.

I appreciate the parent coaching tips on how to apply the use of AAC with their child daily. The consistent use of AAC is so crucial for the client to learn, so I found it helpful when the top challenges were discussed, as well as ways to support and help the families through these challenges. If you're a SLP, looking for a more in-depth and informative course on AAC, I highly recommend this! 

Samantha, Pediatric SLP

This course was exactly what I needed to support my growth as a speech-language pathologist providing AAC services to the littles! I found the course to be extremely well done and provided a wealth of information regarding specific robust language systems and implementation! The workbook has incredible reference guides that will surely make a difference in my clinical practice!

Sarah, Pediatric SLP

This is the perfect introduction to AAC with Early Intervention! The workbook and handouts are beautiful, excellent, and easy to understand. The video content is to the point and each word is valuable. It is provided in short segments, so there is time to absorb the key points of each. After taking this course, I feel confident in encouraging the families I work with to start to trial AAC systems at a much earlier point in their child's language journey than I would have previously. I also have an improved sense of how to get started with modeling vocabulary for toddlers through AAC. Thank you.

This self-paced course includes lifetime access!


Who is this course for?

This course is for SLPs and SLPAs who work with toddlers and preschoolers with communication needs. The information in this course is also applicable for starting AAC with a child of any age.

Can I get ASHA CEUs for this course?

Yes! You can earn 0.2 ASHA CEUs (2 hours) in this course.

All participants will receive a certificate of completion that reflects 2 hours of professional development.

Can other early childhood professionals take this course?

Yes! This course is open to any professional interested in learning more about AAC.

How much does this course cost?

The price is $125 and includes the video modules, 40+ pages of printable resources, and lifetime access.

Do you accept purchase orders?

Yes. Have your administrator email me and I will take it from there.

Do I have to complete this course within a certain timeframe?

No. This course is self-paced and you maintain access for life.

Will I have immediate access to the course?

Yes. You will have immediate access to all of the video modules and course materials.

Will I maintain access to the course?

Yes! You will have access to the course for life.

Can I see a preview of the curriculum?

See below!

Course Curriculum
  Course Overview
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module One
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module Two
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module Three
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module Four
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module Five
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module Six
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module Seven
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module Eight
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Case Studies
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Learn More with Lauren
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Optional Viewing: Live Q&A Replay- Includes Additional Examples and Case Studies
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Course Feedback
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Course Completion Quiz
Available in days
days after you enroll

Early & Bright Online Learning Policies

For the refund, cancellation, and complaint policies, click here. If you have questions, concerns, or complaints about a course, please contact [email protected]m.

Early & Bright is committed to making resources accessible to all individuals, including participants with disabilities. If you need special accommodations to access a course, please contact [email protected]. We will reply within 7 days to confirm receipt of your accommodation request. We will provide requested accommodations within 14 days as possible.